Wednesday, July 4, 2007

How to Install Moonlight & Desklets Step by Step UPDATED

(Last Update: Agost 2, 2007; moon SVN revision: 83286) This guide describes the common installation process for Moonlight, you can get the original one here. Requirements:
  • Mono 1.2.4
  • ffmpeg Sources
  • Moonlight Sources
  • Olive
  • Mono Libraries
  • Mozilla Development Libraries
  • Beryl or Compiz
Process: 1. Installing Mono 1.2.4: You will need download and Install Mono 1.2.4(Ubuntu 7.04 Users can use Viraptor Packages) Refresh and Install the Updates for the New Mono Packages. 2. Download and Configure ffmpeg from SVN: $svn checkout svn:// ffmpeg $cd ffmpeg $./configure --prefix=/usr/local $sudo make install 4. Install additional packages +and dependencies:
  • libnspr-dev
  • libnss-dev
  • firefox-dev
  • libmono-system-messaging2.0-cil
  • libcairo2-dev
  • libgtk2.0-dev
  • libasound2-dev
  • mono-devel
  • libmono-cairo2.0-cil
Note: Packages names are references to Ubuntu or Debian packages I recommend use aptitude or synaptic 5. Download and Configure Libraries Olive: $svn co svn:// olive $cd olive $./configure --prefix=/usr $make $sudo make install If you want to check your Olive configuration you can check this using Mono gacutil tool: $gacutil -l agclr The output should be: The following assemblies are installed into the GAC: agclr, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35 Number of items = 1 6. Download and Configure Moonlight: $svn co svn:// moon $cd moon $./ --prefix=/usr $sudo make install 7. Enable Desktop Effects: Go to System->Preferences->Desktop Effects and enable it, beryl or compiz should work too. Now you can test the Moonlight Installation running the following command in a terminal: $mopen Moolight Launcher should run and show the following information: Usage is: mopen [args] [file.xaml|dirname] Arguments are: --fixed Disable window resizing --geometry WxH Overrides the geometry to be W x H pixels --host NAME Specifies that this file should be loaded in host NAME --transparent Transparent toplevel --desklet Remove window decoration for desklets use Even when you can read the message, you need to run a Moonlight Enabled Application to ensure the installation process was successful: Example: runing glassyclock desklet: $cd desklet $make $cd glassyclock $make $mopen --desklet default.xaml If you can see the beautiful clock, Congratulations!, if you see a black an ugly clock then you have no Desktop Effects/Beryl/Compiz Enabled.


Anonymous said...

No 'configure' file found in moon svn repo :-(

Anonymous said...

anybody make the easy-to-install debian package of moonlight?

..i just want to see videos!! :D :D :D

Anonymous said...

This is far too difficult and doesn't work at all. Olive builds but the MAKE INSTALL fails. There is no hope unless an Ubuntu package is made. Hopefully this will make it to Ubuntu 8.10 repositories. Otherwise I give up :(

Ryan Brunton said...

It looks like you need to add 'mono-gmcs' to the list of prerequisite packages as it is required at this point by the version of 'olive' in subversion.