First of all:
- I'm not an expert installing Mono from Sources, so this is all at your own risk.
- Don't remove your existing Mono Runtine, you still need it.
- I recommend you to keep your existing Mono Runtime(the one you installed via APT) side by side with the version that you are going to configure.
1.a using synaptic or aptitude, install the following packages:
- autotools-dev
- autoconf
- libtool
- bison
- gettext
2. Download the Stable version right here: (is the first one from the first group, currently the name is mono-2.6.4.tar.bz2)
3. Read the instructions right from the Mono wiki(but don't execute them yet):
Note: You may want to install into a different location and not '/usr/local' in order to avoid conflict with your existing Ubuntu Mono installation, so I would recommend you to use '$HOME/mono/local' or something, just like this:
./configure --prefix=$HOME/mono/local;
4. Now you can follow the instructions.
Feel free leave a comment if you find any errors.